Love Poland
a great country
a great country
Poland’s countryside, seaside to the north, and mountains to the south provide visitors with a variety of landscapes to relax in. Resorts in the south attract skiers and hikers, while those who want to trawl the beach for amber will have to head to the coast. In between, forests hide flora and fauna and outcroppings and lakesides reveal manor houses or castles.

Poland’s boundaries have been in constant flux throughout its history. Lithuania, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia have all be a part of Poland at one time—or Poland has been a part of them. With so many influences, the visitor can expect variety in Polish architecture, customs, and culture. However, throughout its tumultuous history, Poland has maintained a unique identity through its staunchly Roman Catholic background and its proud heritage.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place that is listed as site of outstanding cultural or natural importance to the common heritage of humanity. There are fourteen Natural World Heritage Sites in Poland and 13 Cultural.
Poles have won a total of 17 Nobel Prizes (more than Japan, China, India, or Australia), including four Peace Prizes and five in Literature.
There are roughly 20 million people of Polish ancestry living outside Poland, making the Polish diaspora one of the largest in the world, as well as one of the most widely dispersed.
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What people say about Poland
Polish way
When visiting Poland it is important to know some of the ancient Polish ways. It is a country with a lot of history and culture where traditional customs are highly appreciated.
‘Poland is an example par excellence of the imagined community and of the ability of nationalism to shape the world. Poland exists because individuals voluntarily fought for a free and united Poland. History is one of the themes used to create a commonality and a feeling of pride. Poles consider themselves to be members of a community’.
Read more at: Everyculture

Pocket History
of Poland
of Poland
‘This small book is like having quick reference about Poland in a pocket from a native young Pole, who tells the story of the country in a fabulous manner. Amazing allegory, humour, lightness of sentences and helpful insight from the author reads very well. I recommend the book simply for its quality. Well done!’
– Lela Tssave; OSCE/ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Experience Nature & Wildlife
Jerzy Rajecki – Podlaskie Klimaty
lovePoland recommends

erzy Rajecki – 52 years old, a resident of Białystok, born in Hajnówka. He became interested in photography going with his colleagues to so-called Borderlands – to Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia. In 2009, he started photographing Podlasie and has been still doing, wishing to record what passes away and what is permanently inscribed in the Podlasie cultural and sight landscape. This is his beloved land where he was born, where he grew up in diversity, multiculturalism, mutual tolerance and natural acceptance for different religions, languages and cultures. Peace and quiet and even some metaphysical melancholy are inscribed in the landscape of Podlasie and this is a great advantage nowadays. Everyone who comes here says that the time seems to slow down.